1981. >ヶ(管理人)   投稿者:     投稿日時:2021/01/03(日) 08:08:19          
> > こんにちは、私は日本人ではありませんが、but whatever shit。
> > 「ksphpplus」の最新バージョンはありますか? なんとかバージョン「20181118」しか手に入らなかった。
> > hi, i'm not ~nihonese~, but whatever shit
> > is there a [downloadable] newer version of 「ksphpplus」?
> > i managed to get only the version 「20181118」.
> Hi,
> I'm sorry. I didn't notice the email until recently because my email software periodically loses sync.
> Even after I noticed it, I was too busy to reply to it.
> I've made some changes and uploaded it here.
> https://hiru.coresv.com/ksphp-plus/

oh thank you very much!!!
i think i will try to translate everything, with your permission :3

参考:2020/12/14(月) 23:49:29

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